Frequently asked questions.


    • A Challenge Safety Brief – Document and pre-challenge in person meeting

    • Personal transfer from finish/ start point by minibus on days 1 & 3

    • Daily transfer of luggage between hotels

    • An easy to navigate walking map of Menorca

    • A challenge tee shirt

    • 4 litres of bottled water per day

    • Lunch meals on days 1 and 3

    • Your daily lunch time personal nutrition/ hydration package delivered each day where possible or applicable*

    • Blister treatment and foot taping

    • Sports Massage is available at an additional cost

    *Please note, we do not do a lunch time RV on day 2 due to it being only 9 miles

    • Airport Transfers

    • Hotels

    • Food/ Snacks - apart from lunches on Days 1 & 3

  • It’s between 115 +/- 2 miles but it depends on exactly which paths you take and who’s distance measuring device you believe. The official distance is 115 miles.

  • Yes. In 2025 we are introducing the “Meno” and the “Orca”.

    The “Meno” is the rugged and hilly north half of Menorca over 4 days and 60 miles and the “Orca” is the more forgiving south half over 3 days and 55 miles.

  • We believe they are to within 0.5 miles.

  • No. The path is very well signposted all around the island and most people find groups within our group to keep them on track. We haven’t lost anyone yet!

  • Temperatures between 24 – 29 degrees are considered normal for these times of year.

  • You do. Saltwalk Menorca does not offer any support or have any responsibility over your flights, hotels and transfers. We are purely offering a challenge support service which begins at the Safety Brief on the Saturday (start day -1) and concludes on your arrival back into Es Castell, Mahon on day 7.

  • No. No. No. You must walk at your own pace and ignore what everyone else is doing. For example, if you go off too fast that could negatively impact the rest of your week. This is about ‘the long game’, not the short one. Walking in groups is lovely but, only with people who are the same pace.

  • If you wish but, our support services are geared around the timings of the walkers, not runners. Any support offered to the runners would be purely coincidental if the timings worked out. We ask that runners start later at 1000 hrs. We cannot guarantee our crew will be in place at RV points for any runner starting before 1000 hrs.

  • You could potentially do this with little training IF you miss out days 1 and the first 60% of Day 3. However, we cannot recommend not training as you will make it far harder on yourself and affect the safety of the organising team i.e. if you are very slow, the tail end marker, and you, may end up being out in the dark which is not safe as it increases the risk of getting lost, slips, trips and falls.

  • Yes. However, access is very poor to the Cami de Cavells in most areas. In an emergency we will need to call 112 and await support from the emergency services. If you feel unwell, or can’t continue, you will always need to get to the next road for collection. When we say ‘safety vehicle’, we mean collection and transport only, not emergency care.

  • Call 112. We are offering a challenge support service; we do not have helicopters, boats or ambulances. Just as you would in the UK, call the emergency services in and then let us know when you can what is happening.

  • Yes. At 1830 hrs all walkers are to be off the path. The longest days are 22/23 miles and day 3 is particularly challenging.

    As you only have 10 hours to complete the walks each day, we recommend you missing out the first 14 miles of day 3 and completing the final 8 miles from being dropped off at the 14 mile point IF you think you will struggle with the timings.

    Day 6 is also 23 miles but, the terrain is far more forgiving and flatter. All walkers must be through the RV point in Son Bou by 1430 hrs to continue.

  • It’s either rocky paths, flat pavements, boardwalks or beaches.

    The north of the island is far more hilly and rugged then the south which means that Days 1-4 are far more challenging than days 5-7; that is why we split the similar distance over an extra day.

  • Over the 7 days there’s approximately 3900 metres of climbing spread out over 115 miles, which is similar the that of the 3 Peaks Challenge (Ben Nevis, Snowdon & Scafell Pike!) The main difference is this is spread over 7 days, not 24 hours and the highest elevation is 120 metres so as quickly as you’ve climbed, you’re coming back down to a beautiful beach again.

    Most of this occurs on the north of the island between days 1 and 4 but mainly day 3. If you aren’t a happy climber, we recommended you either missing out Day 3 or starting at the 14 mile mark.

  • We hugely recommend getting your legs and feet used to hill or mountain walking; this is mainly for Days 1 and 3. There are good sized hills all over the UK and mountains in the Lake District, Wales and Scotland. Whilst the hills on Menorca aren’t high, they are plentiful so it’s a lot of up and down, particularly on the north of the island.

  • The main point here is not ‘what’ but ‘how big?’

    You MUST wear footwear that is at least 1 size too big, and ideally wide fitting, to cope with your feet swelling in the heat – THIS IS THE MAIN REASON FOR BLISTERS!

    We recommend a lightweight hiking trainer of ankle boot but, DO NOT wear leather boots or any footwear that will increase the heat and moisture around your foot. Trail trainers are ideal for most.

    Saloman, Meindl and Altra (amongst others) all offer wide fitting, lightweight hiking trainers.

  • Blisters are caused by a combination of Heat, Friction and Moisture; this The Blister Triangle. If you remove at least one of those elements, a blister won’t form. Once taped, using talcum/ baby powder twice a day will help a lot to keep your feet dry. Always air your feet socks when you stop for breaks.

  • We recommend taping your heels (under and back of) and balls of your feet at least as they are the main point of contact in your footwear. If your feet rub in your footwear in the UK, it will be far worse in Menorca due to the heat!

    Do not use KT/ Physio tape as its purpose is to send additional blood to the areas where it’s affixed. You do not need any additional blood in your feet on this walk. ONLY USE ZINC OXIDE TAPE OR YOU MAY SEVERELY DAMAGE YOUR FEET i.e. lift off your toe nails or create painful blood blisters.

  • Yes. We offer a foot taping, blister draining/ dressing service each morning.

  • We will give you 4 litres of bottled water per day. We recommend you carry what you need and can then put the rest in the RV point vehicle to keep your weight down.

  • On days 1 and 3 it is very tricky. We will provide lunches on these days.

  • Nuts, fruit (fresh for the mornings/ dried for the afternoons), natural energy bars (not filled with sugar), salty crisps/ cheese snacks. Do not prioritise snacks over proper food though. Eat proper whole foods at every opportunity.

  • We have 2 WhatsApp groups; One is for Safety Information and useful tips on the walk, the other is for chat and photos. We ask that you keep the content separate for each one so that everyone sees the safety information. However, the mobile network is not strong over all parts of the north of the island. It often drops out all together or drops to 3G.

  • We recommend a supply of paracetamol (for pain), ibuprofen (for swelling), Insect and Mosquito repellent (under 100ml if hand baggage only) and After Bite treatment.

    Swelling is perfectly normal in hotter temperatures particularly in the hands, feet and ankles. The main reason why we say this is hotter, swollen feet are more prone to blisters.

    The ‘nibblers’ (horse flies and mosquitos) come out around 1800 hrs in the woodland areas in the north of the island. Once you go past Day 3 (the north west of the island) the nibblers seem to disappear.

  • 0830 hrs, or shortly after, is the general start time but, if it’s a short day, or you are a fast walkers, you can easily complete some shorter days by starting at 1000 hrs. Most hotel breakfasts start at 0800 hrs.

  • The walk is designed for you to be finished by 1830 hrs at the very latest each day. The midges come out at 1900 hrs and it starts to get dark so we want you in before this time. You also need to rest up for the following day.

  • We have 2 vehicles, a minibus and a 4x4. Both vehicles will be used to transport walkers to start point so it can be done quickly and efficiently. We ask that the slower walkers go on the first transfer and the quicker walkers on the second to the start point. You will be dropped onto the Cami de Cavells path closest to the access points.

    In the evenings, where relevant on Days 1 & 3, we wait until we have a full minibus and then we transfer that group of walkers to the hotel before returning for the next group. There may be a short wait at the end of the days finish but it will not exceed 30 minutes.

  • No, but we recommend it. The hotels have been selected for your convenience and comfort to rest. If you would like to choose a hotel in a different budget band, that is 100% your choice; we will deliver your luggage to the recommended hotels only and any further transport from that hotel is your responsibility. No Saltwalker has ever stayed in a different hotel to the ones recommended so far but, it is entirely your choice.

  • ALL the hotels (that we recommend) are buffet style dining for dinner and breakfast. If you do not enjoy buffet style you will need to do your own research of where else to eat. Buffet style suits most people but not all; we must cater for the majority.